About NewRetex

How it all began.

It all began with an idea back in 2020. The corona pandemic had us at home—my husband, our three kids, and me—giving me time to ponder things. With a background in design and a lifelong career in the textile industry, my love for clothing was undeniable.

As I reflected, one aspect that struck me profoundly was the immense energy invested in creating a collection, in crafting a piece of clothing. The countless individuals involved, from the designer to the pattern maker, seamstress, knitter, and many more. 

Moreover, collections often circulate globally, consuming vast resources, only for the product to lose its value shortly after being sold. A garment that has passed through numerous hands, utilized numerous resources, worn so few times, only to end up as waste.

During this contemplative time, an idea struck me—an idea to recycle discarded textiles into clothing once again. I delved into the possibilities of recycling, and a common requirement stood out: the need for a well-sorted input, precisely sorted.

The next thought was clear—I wanted to build such a sorting system. The idea resonated deeply, and with the help of a team of skilled individuals, a long process began. In 2022 our first pilot sorting system was ready! It's the only one of its kind, developed in Denmark. Automated with comprehensive data collection, this technology holds immense potential not just in Europe but possibly worldwide.

We have ambitious plans for the future.

Rikke Bech, founder and CEO of NewRetex

UN – The Global Goals

NewRetex actively aligns its operations with several of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. Here's how:

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

NewRetex pioneers innovative solutions in textile recycling, such as the development of automated sorting systems that contribute to sustainable infrastructure.

Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

By recycling discarded textiles and turning them into new yarns, NewRetex promotes a circular economy, reducing the environmental impact of textile production.

Goal 14: Life Below Water

NewRetex's commitment to recycling textiles helps mitigate the negative impact of textile waste on aquatic ecosystems, aligning with the goal to protect marine life.

Goal 15: Life on Land

Through responsible recycling practices, NewRetex contributes to the conservation of land resources and biodiversity, supporting sustainable land use.

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

NewRetex collaborates with various stakeholders, including municipalities, businesses, and organizations, to foster partnerships that amplify the impact of sustainable textile recycling.
These efforts reflect NewRetex's dedication to contributing positively to global sustainability objectives and creating a more environmentally conscious and socially responsible future

NewRetex News – from textile waste to fashionable yarns

Find out more about how we're turning post-consumer textile waste into yarns